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Replay: Best of the Week on Radio Thu Sep 05 - 04:00 PM | Sun Sep 08 - 10:40 AM

Bills: Chan Gailey Conference Call - 9/22/2010

Buffalo Bills Head Coach Chan Gailey addresses the media during his conference call on Wednesday, September 22, 2010. On preparing for New England and what he's seen on film: Well, they are a very good football team.

Buffalo Bills Head Coach Chan Gailey addresses the media during his conference call on Wednesday, September 22, 2010.

On preparing for New England and what he's seen on film:
Well, they are a very good football team. They are solid in all respects. Their kickoff, return team has been unbelievable. Their offense looks like they're back hitting on most all cylinders. I know they didn't do exactly what they wanted to this past week but the first week they really looked strong. They've got a lot of big play people on that side of the ball. And defensively they're very strong, especially that front seven. They're hard to run against.

On the quarterback decision to start Ryan Fitzpatrick:
We needed to do something to create a spark for our offense. We've been very lethargic the first couple of weeks and we're trying to find the right combination for our football team. Obviously, that one wasn't what it needed to be so we changed some running backs, we changed some other people around, some receivers, and we thought it was time to change the quarterback and see if this one gives us a little bit better opportunity to win.

On rookie RB C.J. Spiller:
In preseason he was outstanding and he did a great job. As we all know preseason games are one level of intensity and one speed, and then when you hit the regular season it goes up a notch. So when he got to the regular season, that first game he was just going extremely fast and I was probably unfair to him to throw him in there. But the other two running backs have been hurt all preseason and C.J. had done a good job. We backed him back a little bit this past week. He's still going to be a dynamic player and he's still going to make a lot of big plays for us in the future. We just need to get him going on a little slower pace than throwing him in there from the get go.

On limiting Spiller on special teams to concentrate on offense:
No, he's doing kickoff returns for us. We let him go do that and then break him in slowly on offense.

On RB Marshawn Lynch and his future:
He started last week and he'll play a lot this week. He ran the ball pretty good. You could tell he was rusty from last year not having played a ton and getting back into it this year. He didn't play in the preseason as well, so he's just now getting back into it and as most everybody knows you can never have enough quality running backs in this league.

On New England RB Kevin Falk's absence and the third down attack:
Well you don't totally replace a great player like Kevin. He's made a lot of plays for them through the years and his savvy is hard to replace on the field for the offense that he had. I know one thing, they'll get somebody ready and somebody will do a good job. That's the way they've always done it there. Whoever it is, you'll have to stop him. It's not like you can say hey we can just forget that position and what that position does. We'll have to know where that person is, whoever it is, and make sure we get somebody attached to him or near him or at least discourage him from using him as they would Kevin.

On being on edge on third down:
Yeah, I don't like to use the term "put on edge" but it does make us wait and see how they're going to handle it. Are they going to put another receiver in? Will they try to fill the same role with somebody else? How exactly they're going to handle that. It'll be a wait and see game once we get there to see what they'll do.

On New England's defense:
It's hard for me to speak on what was lost and what was gained. All I can tell you about it is what I've seen this year on film. They are a strong football team. They play very hard and are very physical. They make you earn every yard down the field and that's the mark of a good defense. They've always had a good defense and every time I've gone up against them wherever I've been it's been hard. We've been fortunate through the years to move the football a little bit but then there's been days that you can't gain an inch it seems like. You have to be ready for a lot of different things but they're a physical, strong football team that makes you work all the way down the field. They don't give up many big plays.

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