FOXBOROUGH, Mass. - The New England Patriots will host the NFL's Punt, Pass & Kick competition at Gillette Stadium during the first three days of training camp. Children between the ages of 6 and 15 will have the opportunity to participate in the regional competition on Thursday, July 29 through Saturday, July 31 during the same hours as Patriots Experience from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Punt, Pass & Kick area is located in the back of the Patriots Experience - the interactive, football-themed, Patriots playground -in the West Clubhouse Parking Lots next to Gillette Stadium.
Each participant is allowed one punt, one pass and a kick from a tee, with a total score being determined by the combined sum of the three activities in feet and inches. Distance and accuracy are equally calculated and scores are registered from when the ball first makes contact with the ground following it's time in the air. Soft-sole gym shoes are the only accepted footwear for the competition. Football cleats, turf shoes or bare feet are not permitted. Participants must use the equipment (footballs and tees) provided.

The NFL's Punt, Pass & Kick competition is free for children between the ages of 6 and 15. Children will be placed into one of five age groups. Participants will need to register and submit a signed parental release to the on-site representatives before competing in the program.
Patriots Experience will continue to operate from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. through the first week of training camp, with the exception of Monday, August 2 when it will close at 1 p.m. Updated schedules for Patriots Experience and for daily Patriots practices can found online at or by calling the training camp information line at 508.549.0001.
Participants may download the registration form here and bring with them to the competition