Ever wondered what it takes to make Julian Edelman the speedster he is? In an interview with Men's Health Australia, he reveals some of his workouts and how he developed into one of the franchise's most valuable players.
First he works on several drills that help to boost his explosiveness while also improving his strength and agility. To do this, Julian enlisted strength and conditioning coach Chang Lee, who added exercises like squats and deadlifts, as well as ladders and hurdles to his regimen.
While digging to the bottom of buckets of rice are a part of his workout plan, Julian credits his off-season workouts with quarterback Tom Brady. With the two running roughly 70 plays each session, it's understandable that Tom would offer Julian some sound advice.
"When I was younger, I'd try to work so hard," he told the publication. "TB would tell me, 'Hey Jules, it's not always about working harder; it's about working smarter. Go out with a purpose on what you need to do to get better.'"
After workouts, Julian refuels with a shake created by dietician Denise Barry-Alvey that is chock full of protein and other nutrients. We bet that's needed when he's in California running "The Hill," made famous by San Francisco 49ers wide receiver, Jerry Rice, who used the Edgewood Park spot for off-season workouts.

"I run up as fast as I can, driving my knees and taking small steps," Julian said. "Then I walk back down and repeat. By the end, my legs are wobbling and I'm close to puking."
Here's to crushing that 40. You can check out the full article here.