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Patriots Locker Room Quotes - 11/11/2008

New England Patriots players comment on their upcoming game against the New York Jets during media access at Gillette Stadium on Tuesday, November 11, 2008.

DL Ty Warren
(On how the team is preparing for a Thursday night game)
"It's a short week and we have spent a lot time watching film. We have our first practice today. This game is important. It is a game of large magnitude and it says that we are in first place if we are able to execute and win the game."

(On how tough it is on the body to play two games in a five-day period)
"I am a little beat up. I think everybody has something this week. I am little beat up and right on down the line. I am not speaking for any other player, but it is just the way it is. We knew this was coming before this regular season even started. We just have to prepare for it the best way possible - hot tub, cold tub, stretching and all that good stuff. We know what it is and I am sure it is the same thing on their end. The good thing over there is that they got to rest in the second half [of the St. Louis Rams game]. They are probably a little better off than us."

(On if he sees a difference in the New York Jets offense from Week 2)
"Yeah, they are real explosive. We looked at the St. Louis game and what they did against St. Louis. If you look at the Cardinals game, they did pretty much the same thing and the Cardinals are a pretty good team. [The Jets] executed and were real explosive in the first half and were able to run the clock out in the second half against the Cardinals. That is saying a lot and I think all the new guys - with the turnover this past offseason - look real comfortable and look like they have a real niche with what the concept is over there and what they are trying to do."

(On cornerback Ty Law joining the New York Jets this week)
"I talked to Ty [Law] before the season even started and I knew he would still be playing somewhere this year. I didn't know it would be this late, but it's definitely going to be a little bit weird. We did play against him after he left here that one year, but Ty is Ty. It's like Manny [Ramirez] is Manny; Ty is Ty."

(On what it would be like for Ty Law returning to the game)
"We'll see. I know that Ty [Law] has a good work ethic. I remember, as a young player, coming in, driving in at like 6 o'clock in the morning, I'd have my meetings and I'd see him running five miles up and down Route 1 right before the day began. I'm sure he's been staying in shape. He's probably been talking to them for a couple of weeks, knowing that this was to come."

(On playing without Adalius Thomas)
"It's a huge loss for us. He was asked to do a lot of things on this defense. But we have a lot of confidence that whoever steps in for him will be able to fit right in and we'll help him out doing that."

(On whether there is a danger of players trying to do too much in other player's absence)
"We won't get too caught up in that. We'll try to make that an emphasis. I think the times when you fall into trouble with that type of deal is when you're getting blown out one-hundred to nothing. Then, you have guys' pride kicking in and you don't want to let the game get too out of hand; you don't want to let it get to two-hundred so to speak. That's when guys kind of start doing that. Like I said, whoever fills in for Adalius [Thomas], we have the utmost confidence that he'll come in and do a good job."

(On Thomas Jones' play)
"He's killing them out there. Wit him and [Leon] Washington, that's a good duo of running backs. They're definitely playing better than they were in Week 2. All of those guys over there look comfortable in what they're doing. The offensive line has been blocking well. They've got [Dustin] Keller; he's involved in the passing game now so they've got a plethora of weapons to go to. They're an explosive offense."

NT Vince Wilfork
(On how much the Jets have changed since Week 2)
"They're very explosive. I think with their offense that [Brett] Favre is starting to manage them pretty well. He's finding open receivers. The backs are running and they're playing harder up front. It's more of the Jets that we're used to seeing. They're physical and they want to play that style of offense. We have to do a good job this week of stopping the run. Last week, they put up some big numbers. Throughout the year, they've been getting better and better just like us. And, once again, it's a division game. The one thing that we have working for us is that we're getting better. They're getting better, but they have to come here and that's one thing that we're looking forward to Thursday. It's going to be exciting. It's going to be one of those dog fights, as usual."

(On Jets nose tackle Kris Jenkins' play)
"To come to a zero nose tackle and to make progress like he's made, it's like he's been playing there forever. Just to see him playing for the first year, you really forget about that with the plays that he's been making. He's been making a lot of plays. That's a big, big upgrade for their defense and I mean that in a positive way. He's got that defense working very, very well and I'm pretty sure he's just going to continue [that way]. On our side, our offense is going to see him a lot. But, being a nose tackle, I study a lot of guys that play that position and, right now, he's one of the best; it being his first year playing there. He's up there."

WR Wes Welker
(On how much the New York Jets have improved since Week 2)
"They added a lot of new players in the offseason. I think as the season goes on, they get better and better and that is obvious with them. They have improved quite a bit and we will definitely have our hands full this Thursday. We need to make sure we bring our 'A' game to have a chance."

(On if there is more pressure on the passing game with how the New York Jets have had success with run defense)
"I think you have to be ready on any occasion of being able to run and pass the ball. Whatever opportunities are out there, we have to be ready to stop them."

(On the New York Jets signing cornerback Ty Law)
"I just know he has been a really good player for a really long time. We need to be ready for anybody that could be out there."

(On the young members of the New York Jets secondary)
"[Darrelle] Revis is playing really good football right now. He is definitely one of their top playmakers and [Dwight] Lowery, as well. He has really come on and doesn't seem like a rookie anymore at all. We definitely need to make sure we account for those guys and try to take care of business."

(On how quarterback Matt Cassel has changed since their first meeting with the New York Jets this season)
"I think he is getting more experience and more confidence as we go along. Hopefully that carries through for Thursday night and he continues to improve."

DL Jarvis Green
(On playing two games in a five-day span)
"It is more of a mental week. It is more of a mental walkthrough today. It is not about putting your pads on; it's just getting the game plan down and getting more reps in our hands."

*(On how much the New York Jets have improved since Week 2) *
"They are 6-3 right now and are tied for first place in the AFC East. They are playing great with Brett Favre and how they are playing together. Looks like us out there from the way we came up in the past and with [Eric] Mangini getting the team together. They are a very good football team."

(On quarterback Brett Favre's ability to make plays on his own)
"He sees the entire field. You have to get a rush on him and get him in the pocket. If you give him time to throw, like with our quarterbacks, Tom [Brady] and [Matt] Cassel, they are going to kill you. He is a tough guy to defend."

(On the possibility of playing without linebacker Adalius Thomas)
"It is a big loss with Adalius [Thomas], but its' still football. We have to keep going. We have other guys that are going to help step in. That happens here a lot; we have guys come in when we lose key guys. We have to keep playing football."

(On the team's ability to continue playing well despite dealing with injuries)
"I think it starts at the top with the older guys. I remember myself coming in as a rookie and seeing how the guys made it an unselfish team with the character we have in this locker room. Guys just want everybody to get better. I know when we lose a key guy like that the other guy will come in and it's not a loss."

RB BenJarvus Green-Ellis(On if this season has gone fast for him)
"Not really. I am just taking it one day at a time. I am not trying to get too far ahead of myself and trying to improve every day."

(On if he is getting more comfortable each week)
"It has been good out there on the field. I just try to go out there and learn every day and learn from the other guys and other running backs. I am just trying to do the best I can."

(On what he sees from the New York Jets defense)
"The [New York] Jets have a good defense. They are getting a lot of sacks and turnovers. We have to be prepared for whatever they throw at us."

(On New York Jets defensive tackle Kris Jenkins)
"He is a big guy. Whenever you see him on film, he is huge. We just have to do a good job of trying to block him."

(On what he did with the football from his touchdown run against the Buffalo Bills)
"I haven't run back and got it from the training room yet. I still have it back in one of those suitcases. I haven't done anything with it yet. I will probably put it in a case or something."

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