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Replay: Best of the Week on Radio Thu Sep 05 - 04:00 PM | Sun Sep 08 - 10:40 AM

Patriots Postgame Quotes

Patriots players address the media following their preseason game against the New York Giants on Thursday, August 28, 2014.


QB Jimmy Garoppolo**

Q: How did you feel tonight went relative to the other two?

A: You know, it could have gone better. There was definitely some things that, you know, we messed up on, fixable things and things to learn from when you watch the film.

Q: Anything jump out to you as to why it didn't go maybe as smoothly tonight?

A: I'm not sure. I don't know. It's one of the things that we'll see on the film, whatever it was, that we weren't clicking like we should've been. We'll fix it.


Q: ** Did you feel like you got more comfortable as the game went along?

A: Yeah. I felt pretty comfortable from the beginning, but you know, just gradually, I mean that's how every game is. You start to pick up what they're trying to do and how they're trying to do it, so just gradually got more comfortable.

Q: As the preseason winds down now, obviously you've been getting a ton of snaps the last two games, what's the relationship been like with you and Ryan Mallett? Has it differed at all as camp has gone on?

A: No, not really. You know, me and Ryan, and Tom [Brady] as well, we all have good relationships with one another, help each other out, and those two guys have helped me more than anyone probably. It's the same as it always was.

Q: Were you impressed with Tim Wright and the fact that he just got here?

A: Very intelligent player. He picks it up very quickly and he's pretty athletic, too. He had a heck of the game along with all the other tight ends and receivers and running backs. They all played well tonight.

Q: Has it been a good week for you as far as you're the guy, your ability to work through things, just get the experience on and off the bus, playing in a stadium where they just played the Super Bowl past year, just the whole week experience? Pretty good experience for you?

A: Yeah, very good. It's one of those things that hopefully I look back on it in a couple of years and I really learned a lot from it and just take it and try to take the next step now. Now I know what a normal week is like for preparing to start and everything like that and it will only help me going forward.

Q: On the long touchdown pass to Aaron [Dobson] on the left side, can you go back through sort of what you saw on that?

A: Yeah, he had a go route and went up and made a tremendous play for me. It's nice having receivers like that on the outside, big body guys who could go up and make a play for you and that's what he did. It was a nice catch.

Q: Was that your first read on the play [the touchdown to Dobson], or were you going through your progressions there?

A: Going through it, yeah. I mean he beat the guy and just got to lay a ball up there for him to go get and he did that.

Q: On the flipside, what do you remember about the interception? What happened on that play?

A: The ball got away from me a little bit, sailed a little high and you know you can't sail one high with defenders behind the receivers. That's what happens when you do that. It's a learning experience, wish it wouldn't have happened, but you got to learn from it and keep it down next time.

Q: Was that the long ball that got nullified by the illegal contact?

A: No, that was the one to the right there to Tim [Wright].

Q: Would you be ready to be the number 2 backup quarterback this season if that's what you're called upon to do?

A: Yeah, ready to do whatever they ask me to do. Whenever an opportunity comes, whether it's first, second, third, whatever it is, you have to be ready for it and I think this preseason, going into the games with the mindset that I was the starter and just preparing like that, it really helped me get ready for that.

Q: Has this been a whirlwind when you look at it? Preseason's over, that's done, and training camp's over. I mean, has it moved really quickly?

A: It was slow in the beginning, but now that I look back on it, it flew by. I'm sure that's just part of being a rookie, but it was a good first training camp, first preseason, learned a ton and hopefully it will benefit me later on in my career.

Q: Jimmy, in announcing that you would start this week, I think Coach [Bill] Belichick had mentioned he wanted you to experience everything that went into being a starting quarterback, including this aspect of it, the media aspect of the game. How would you describe the experience he wanted you to have through your eyes?

A: I think it was very beneficial. Coming from a small school, we didn't have media like this. It's good to experience the outside the locker room stuff, what goes on, the production meetings, you know, all that stuff. Like I said, I think it will only benefit me in the long run and I'm happy with what happened this week.

Q: How difficult is it for you to understand the offense? What I mean by that is, did you even have a playbook your senior year of college? You go from your senior year and not having a playbook to the Patriots playbook. Explain how difficult that has been.

A: It was an adjustment, it definitely was, but you know, that's the NFL for you. I mean everyone has a playbook, it's like learning a different language, and it's just something that you have to adapt to and adapt quickly.

CB Darrelle Revis


Q: ** How did it feel to be out there in a Patriots uniform in this stadium?

A: It's another game. It's our last preseason game, that's how I'm looking at it. It's against the Giants. It was a close game and we fought hard. It's time to wrap it up and get ready for the regular season.

Q: How have you enjoyed being a Patriot so far?

A: It's been great. We've worked hard since the off-season program and we're just ready to play. That's what sums it up. As a team, we're just ready to go out and play and get this first game over with.

Q: Who won the camp battle between you and Tom Brady?

A: I didn't even know there was a Darrelle Revis versus Tom Brady matchup during training camp. He makes plays, I make plays, we all make plays.

Q: Was it fun going against Tom Brady because it gets you ready for the season?

A: I think he's one of the best competitors I've ever played against in my career. He competes every down, every series. It's how he approaches the game. I see it every day at work now since I'm his teammate. You can tip your hat off to Tom and how hard he works, his work ethic. The guy is a professional and he does everything that you want a quarterback to do and be. He leads us and he's going to continue to lead us. It's great to be his teammate.

Q: How good do you think the Patriots defense can be?

A: We've been improving every week but we still have to improve. Now is the time when we can take a couple days off but next week jump right back into the first week of game planning against the Miami Dolphins and go from there. I think you have to make that statement the first week, of how good our defense can be, by turning over the ball and making plays defensively.

Q: Will it be weird to play the Jets?

A: No. I played them last year when I was in Tampa. It's just football. It doesn't matter, if the Monstars were on the schedule, then that's what it is. It doesn't matter who is on the schedule, who we play, what team I was on before. All of that stuff is out the door.

Q: What has it been like working with [Brandon] Browner?

A: It's been great. I've known about him from when he played in Seattle. I actually met him at the Pro Bowl a couple years back. He's a great guy and I think that us being teammates and him coming here to the New England Patriots is going to serve us well. He's very physical as a player and we need that in the secondary. I think we can feed off of that sometimes.

WR Aaron Dobson


Q: ** How did you feel, conditioning-wise, coming off the injury?

A: It felt good. You know, I got tired at times but I'm improving.

Q: What was the rehab process like?

A: It was long process: from sitting out the offseason to sitting in the film room to starting to run. It just feels really good to get back out there on the field and be with my teammates.

Q: How did it feel to go up in the air and make that catch for the touchdown?

A: That's just instinct. At that point in time, I'm not really worried about my foot, I'm just playing football.

Q: Did you think you were in on that touchdown?

A: I thought I was in.

Q: What did you think of Jimmy (Garoppolo) tonight?

A: I think he played well. He's a young guy, he's got a lot of pressure on him, but I think he handled it well.

Q: Tell us about the competition at wide receiver.

A: It's going to bring the best out of you. I feel like our receiving corps is close and we have a brotherhood going on, but at the same time we're competing. Us being that close is just bringing the best out of us.

TE Tim Wright


Q: ** What's it like being traded and coming to the organization a day and a half ago and jumping right into the game?

A: You know, it's a great opportunity. This is a great organization led by great coaches and I'm just taking it one day at a time. You know it's still early, I've got a lot to learn and I'm just ready to go.

Q: What's that process like, getting right into the game flow and everything?

A: I mean, it's business. Football is football so it's easy to get prepared. We've got great coaches, like I said, to get me ready and I was ready to go.

Q: How surprised were you by the trade?

A: You know, I know the business, things happen and you have to stay ready, you have to stay on your toes and that's what I did.

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