From the confines of New England, it is easy to say that Patriots fans are the best in the league. We're a little biased, but hey, now we have the science to prove it.
According to an Emory University study, Patriots fans are among the best and most dedicated in the NFL. We don't disagree.
The results of the annual study, which measures fan, social and road equity, haven't changed drastically from previous years. Fan equity is how much fans are willing to spend on tickets and merchandise. Social equity reflects the team's social community, and road equity measures how willing fans are to travel to away games.
The top five fanbases in the NFL are, again, the Cowboys, Patriots, Eagles, Giants and Steelers. Overall, the Patriots are second in the league, ranking fifth in Road Equity and third in Fan Equity. When it comes to Social Equity, however, Patriots fans are No. 1.
Patriots Nation, you rock. Never change.