linebacker Christian Sam
Q: Where were you when you got the call?
CS: I was at home with my family - my mom, my dad, my two sisters and my brother. So it was just me and my family sharing this moment.
Q: How would you describe your game on the field for those who don't know you?
CS: I would describe my game as fast, intelligent, physical and a guy who gets to the ball and tries to make plays for his team.
Q: puts out these draft profiles that have evaluations of players. Yours says that you're not a huge fan of practice. What do you think about that evaluation of you?
CS: Everyone has their own opinions. They're entitled to their own opinion. I feel like that was something that was put out there that wasn't true. I'm a guy who when I practice I take pride in practicing because I know it'll prepare me for the game and I know how big practice is to be able to prepare for the game and play at a very high level that week. So I feel like everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that's something that got out there that I couldn't control. The only thing I control now moving forward is that I'm the best practice player I can be.
Q: Did you have a lot of contact with the Patriots? How would you describe your relationship with Coach [Todd] Graham who seems to have developed a strong relationship with Bill Belichick?
CS: I talked to the Patriots during the pre-draft. Going forward I talked to them a little bit and met with them. As far as Coach Graham, we had a good relationship. He recruited me out of high school. He coached my high school formerly so we had a pretty good relationship. He helped me grow from a boy to a young man and going through college. So I feel like we have a fairly good, really good relationship. I could trust him. He could trust me.
Q: How familiar are you with the way the Patriots use their linebackers and just the team's history at that position?
CS: Knowing football like I do and watching the Patriots, I know they like their linebackers versatile and I feel like that's something they saw in me and I thank them for that. Just in the past I've always seen that they move their guys around and they want their guys to be able to do a lot of jobs. I'm thankful they saw that in me and was able to give me an opportunity to come in and try to help the team out.
Q: What are the multiple jobs you can do?
CS: Coming in if they see something that they feel like I can do coming in, I'm going to go in there and do what they tell me to do and be coached up and just make sure I'm doing the right thing the first time and not having to be told over and over again. That's my job and responsibility going forward.
Q: Is most of your experience off the line of scrimmage or have you played some on the line as well?
CS: I've done both. I feel like they were comfortable with that versatility in me and they took a chance on me and that's my job to go in there, like I said, and be coachable and show them that I can do what they saw in me.
Q: What linebackers do you study in the pros? Are there any guys that you model your game after or compare yourself to?
CS: Going forward now, being in the NFL now, I have to be my own linebacker and set the standard for myself and just take the coaching I'm going to get from the coaches at the Patriots and moving forward. Just be the best player I can be wherever I'm lined up at.
Q: How much experience do you have on special teams?
CS: I played special teams every year when I was at Arizona State and I had a former assistant coordinator in the NFL so I have a pretty good knowledge background on special teams.
Q: Is there any truth to the report that early on in your recruitment process that there was consideration given to playing you in the secondary?
CS: Yes sir, that's one of the truths. I played DB when I was in high school all the way up to my junior year when I got moved to outside, like a rolled-down safety. So, I have some experience in the secondary; yes, sir.
Q: So is it safe to say you're comfortable in coverage?
CS: Yes, I feel like I am.
Q: Do you know anyone on the Patriots roster right now?
CS: I currently do not. No, sir.
Q: Were you ever in touch at all with guys like Devin Lucien or D.J. Foster who spent time on the roster here?
CS: I've talked to D.J. Foster in the past about his experience. Not so much Devin Lucien. I didn't really know him as well. He was a transfer to Arizona State later in his career. But D.J., he's talked to the team about his experience with the Patriots, so I've had a little bit of knowledge about the Patriots.
Q: What did he say?
CS: He said it's a great program to be in. It's a winning program. It's business. They want to win. They do everything they can to win and it's just a great atmosphere.
Q: What should we know about you as a person?
CS: I'm a high-character guy. You can always count on me to get the job done. I'm never going to be in the wrong place doing the wrong thing. I'm a guy who's going to take care of his business and help the people around him.
Q: Was it a difficult decision to declare for the draft or did you feel like you were absolutely ready?
CS: I feel like I was ready. Also, I graduated early and I feel like that was a big reason for me leaving school early and graduating early and getting my diploma. I feel like that was a big thing for me and I feel like I was ready to enter the draft.
Q: How would you describe your 2016 season where you didn't play any games? What was the road back like?
CS: It was rough, but I trusted in God and I had my family for support, and that's something that really helped me get through that whole time. I made sure I was going to come back stronger - bigger, faster, stronger and just better - and be able to come back the next year and help my team out.
Q: Did you do anything differently that made you come back bigger and stronger?
CS: No, sir. I stuck to my same resume. Ate even healthier, but I stuck to the same thing I was doing - yoga, eating healthy, just working out and taking care of my body more, and I had extra time to do that and that helped me out in the long run. But I stuck to my script.
Q: Did you stay in the Tempe, Arizona area in the run up to the draft or did you go back home for it?
CS: I did my pre-combine training in Florida, and for my Pro Day I went back to Arizona and I was out there for the remainder. Now I just recently came back to Dallas to spend time with my family.
Transcripts are provided by the Patriots media relations department as a courtesy to the media and are edited for readability. All press conferences are posted and archived in their entirety at