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Replay: Best of the Week on Radio Thu Sep 05 - 04:00 PM | Sun Sep 08 - 10:40 AM

Wes Welker Conference Call Transcript

New England Patriots WR Wes Welker addresses the Indianapolis media during his conference call on Wednesday, November 14, 2012.


It looks like you're back on track for another Pro Bowl season
"(laughing) There's still a long ways to go. But so far, so good, I guess."

What are the challenges of being in the slot?
"I think you merely just go out and try to do your job and understand that the line is going to do a great job of protecting, Tom (Brady) is going to make the right reads and everybody out there is going to do their jobs to the best of their ability. You just try and do your part and get open and try and make plays."

There have been a lot of great games in this rivalry. Have you enjoyed it?
"Yeah. I think both teams have had a good history, especially in the last decade. Obviously, the Colts are playing some really good football right now and winning four in a row and everything like that, winning a lot of close games. They are a tough, physical team and playing really well late in games."

Is this a game you look forward to on the schedule?
"I think in this league you have to take it one game at a time and not really look too far ahead or anything like that. They're definitely a good team and we are definitely going to have our hands full this Sunday."

Do you guys try to exploit the cornerback position with both of their starters possibly being out?
"You look and see where you might be able to try and make some plays and see how a guy will play you or anything like that. You're always studying who you're going to be up against and things like that. At the same time, you have to focus on what you're doing and make sure you are doing that on a very high level."

Is there anything you can tell us about Darius Butler?
"He's incredibly athletic. I don't know if y'all have seen him jump but he's a very, very athletic player. He's obviously had a couple interceptions this year and been playing some really good ball and has really come along. He's definitely very, very talented."

Have you told Rob Gronkowski that 36 touchdowns in two-and-a-half-plus seasons isn't normal?
"No, I don't want him to know it's not normal. I want him to keep on doing it. You just keep on letting him be him."

At some point it defies expectation though and some of those catches are not easy.
"When you have that many, they aren't going to be easy. He does a good job of making some great plays especially down there in the red area. He's such a big target and does a great job of making plays down there."

Do you feel the challenge each week is the opposing team trying to take away Gronkowski and yourself?
"Yeah. I think it's always a challenge, especially in this league and the way the season has gone thus far. You just have to make sure that you keep on bringing it every single week and play to the best of your abilities."

Are you impressed or surprised by the quick turnaround of the Colts?
"Yeah. I'm definitely impressed. Obviously, you would figure it would be a rebuilding type deal for the Colts and it's not that way at all. They're playing some really good ball with a lot of young players and then they have some veterans too who really kind of step up for them in crunch time. Obviously their quarterback has done a really good job and Reggie Wayne is back to form, and those two ends are about as tough as they get."

You have the No. 1 offense in the league. Is this fun for you or is this work?
"I guess both. Sometimes it's fun. Sometimes it's work. It's just going out there and constantly trying to do whatever you have to do to motivate yourself and make sure you're ready to go and play the way you need to play."

The personality that coach Belichick shows the media and public is dry. How does that compare or contrast to what he shows you guys?
"I mean it's pretty much the same. Obviously we have our laughs and everything like that but it's very serious. It's a serious business, a serious job and he makes sure that we are on top of everything. He keeps us in line and makes sure that we are focusing on what we need to focus on."

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