Official website of the New England Patriots
Patriots Make Wishes Come True
On Saturday, Nov. 7, the Patriots partnered with Make-A-Wish Foundation to make the dreams of 11 children come true. The kids met Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Jimmy Garoppolo, and got to play football with them and other Patriots players.

Jack Zorski

Jack Zorski

Maggie Bornstein

Maggie Bornstein

Mike Sanphy

Steve Brosnihan

Lori Bateman (left) and graddaughter Kylie McCumber

Lori Bateman (left) and graddaughter Kylie McCumber

Laurie Tomaszewski

Stephen Colella

Louise Griffin

Nicole DiPaolo

John Mearls accepting on behalf of his late wife, Debbie

Judy Giovangelo

Justin Doo

Jerry Ferrera

Elizabeth McLellan

Ryan Matthews

Barbara Smith

Tim Grover

Janet Ulwick-Sacca

Robert Faherty

Cherylann & Len Gengel

Fabienne Eliacin - Grand Prize Winner

Fabienne Eliacin - Grand Prize Winner

Tom Bray and Elizabeth McLellan

Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski and Cherylann Gengel