Official website of the New England Patriots
Robert Kraft Leads Pro Football Hall of Famers on Touchdown In Israel II Trip
Patriots owner Robert Kraft led a group of 18 Pro Football Hall of Famers and their spouses or guests on an ambassador trip to the Holy Land called, 'Touchdown In Israel II - We Are All Patriots.' The group visited the country's famous landmarks and religious sites, both Jewish and Christian, during their week-long excursion.

Patriots owner Robert Kraft addresses the 18 Pro Football Hall of Famers before the airplane flight from Boston to Israel.

Marianne and Roger Staubach, Robert Kraft and Len Barney.

Robert Kraft, Jerome Bettis and Trameka Bettis share a laugh before takoff.

Aeneas Williams touches down in the Holy Land.

Jerome and Trameka Bettis.

The ancient port city of Jaffa.

Mike and Kim Singletary take a photo at Jaffa.

The Hall of Famers learn about Israel's history at Independence Hall.

Patriots Owner Robert Kraft shares some wisdom with Monique Brown, Jim Brown and Aeneas Williams at Independence Hall.

Robert Kraft listens during a briefing with Deputy Minister Michael Oren.

Mike Singletary (left), Jennifer Montana and Aeneas Williams raise questions for Michael Oren.

Deputy Minister Michael Oren, Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Colonel Gillad Eisen.

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft with the 18 NFL Hall of Famers standing in front of an IAF F-15 fighter jet at the Israeli Air Force (IAF)'s Tel Nof air base.

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft (center) with two IAF pilots and the delegation of NFL Hall of Famers, spouses, and guests, in front of an IAF Sikorsky helicopter at the Tel Nof air base.

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft with two IAF pilots and the delegation of NFL Hall of Famers, spouses, and guests, in front of an IAF Sikorsky helicopter at the Tel Nof air base.

Picutred left to right: Eric Dickerson, Mike Singletary, John Stallworth, Bruce Smith, Andre Tippett, Cris Carter, Jim brown, Jerome Bettis, Ron Yary, Robert Kraft, Roger Staubach, Marshall Faulk, Dave Casper, Joe Montana and Willie Lanier pose for a photo at a football exhibition event at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Jim Brown, Robert Kraft and Joe Montana at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Mike Singletary, John Stallowrth, Bruce Smith, Jim Brown, Robert Kraft, Joe Montana, Cris Carte, Willie Lanier, Lem Barney and Aeneas Williams at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Robert Kraft greets a member of the Israeli football League.

Mean Joe Green greets a member of the Israeli football League.

Joe Montana and Aeneas Williams take a photo with members of the Israeli Football League.

Cris Carter greets Israeli football players.

Jim Brown greets a member of the Israeli football League.

Jerome Bettis greets an Israeli Football League player.

Robert Kraft greets a member of the Israeli football League.

Joe Montana shakes hands with an Israeli Football League player.

Eric Dickerson, who wore googles during his playing days, meets a bespeckled Israeli Football League player.

Joe Montana poses for a photo with several players of one of the Israeli Football League teams.

Aeneas Williams and Andre Reed (far right) take a selfie with players of an Israeli Football League team.

Roger Staubach fires a pass.

Aeneas Williams catches a pass from Roger Staubach.

Aeneas Williams.

Robert Kraft and the group of 18 Hall of Famers were honored at Ramat HaSharon stadium.

Israeli Football Players stand for the American and Israeli National Anthems.

Robert Kraft and Hall of Fame President David Baker.

Robert Kraft addresses the crowd at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Lem "Love" Barney is introduced at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Jerome Bettis acknowledges the crowd at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Cris Carter salutes the crowd at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

Bruce Smith is introduced at Ramat HaSharon Stadium.

The American and Israeli National Anthems were sung before the teams took the field.

Robert Kraft, David Baker and the players stand for the playing of the American and Israeli National Anthems.

Robert Kraft signes a football for a member of the Israeli Football League.

Robert Kraft introduces an Israeli Football League player to Eric Dickerson and Marshall Faulk.

Aeneas Williams and Bruce Smith, who served as assistant coaches during games between Israeli Football League teams, react after their team makes a big play.

Bruce Smith congratulates a player on a job well done.

Players of an Israeli Football League team rush the field following a victory.

Robert Kraft poses with a fan after allowing him to borrow his Super Bowl ring.

A fan tries on Robert Kraft's Super Bowl ring.

Roger Staubach signs an autograph for a fan.

Mike Singletary signs a football for a fan.

An Israeli Football Leauge player takes a selfie with Jim Brown.

Cris Cater, Aeneas Williams, Andre Reed and their guests pray at the Church of the Beatitudes.

Lem Barney, Robert Kraft, Theresa Villano and Andre Reed visit Capharnaum.

Jennifer and Joe Montana visit a monument at Capharnaum.

Andre Reed gazes at the Statue of St. Peter at Capharnaum.

Marshall Faulk, Roger Staubach, Dave Casper, Aeneas Williams, Andre Tippett, Lem Barney, Mean Joe Green, Robert Kraft, Eric Dickerson, Jerome Bettis, Mike Singeltary, Ron Yary, Andre Reed and John Stallworth pose for a photo at the Statue of St. Peter at Capharnaum.

A pastor and Aeneas Williams read before many members of the group are baptized in the Jordan River.

Aeneas Williams is baptized in the Jordan River.

Aeneas Williams is baptized in the Jordan River.

Aeneas Williams is baptized in the Jordan River.

Hall of Fame President David Baker reacts after being baptized in the Jordan River.

Mean Joe Green reacts after being baptized in the Jordan River.

Lem Barney is baptized in the Jordan River.

Tracy Williams and her husband, Aeneas, embrace after she was baptized in the Jordan River.

Aeneas Williams and a pastor hug after performing several baptism in the Jordan River.

Shabbat sader is served.

Ron Yary, Jamie Yary, Andre Tippett, Rhonda Tippett, Dave Casper and Susan Casper toast during a Shabbat seder.

Lem Barney performs with an acapella group during dinner.

An acapella group serenades Jim Brown.

Cable cars pass each other on the ride to the top of the mountain at Masada.

Mike and Kim Singletary enjoy the view to the top of the mountain at Masada. The cable car rises about 1,500 feet to the top of the mountain.

The view from the top of the mountain at Masada.

The group learns about the Water Gate at Masada.

Dave Casper and Lem Barney walk across the mountain at Masada.

Tracy and Aeneas Williams at the top of the mountain at Massada.

Jerome Bettis, Trameka Bettis, Andre Reed, Teresa Villano, Aeneas Williams and Tracy Williams point at the flag of Isreal at Masada.

The group of Hall of Famers gather around the flag of Israel at Masada.

The Dead Sea is 33.7% salinity, one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. It's 8.6 times saltier than the the ocean.

Cris Cater, armed with a GoPro camrea, enjoys the Dead Sea.

Roger Staubach and Joe Montana (background) float comfortably in the Dead Sea.

The Hall of Famers tour the Western Wall tunnel.

A group of women pray wihtin the tunnel of the Western Wall.

Andre Reed and Moinque Brown observe the Western Wall tunnel.

The wives, girlfriends and guests of the NFL Hall of Famers pose for a photo near the Western Wall.

Cris Cater and Susanna Baumann tour the Old City of Jerusalem.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located within the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City.

A shrine at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located within the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City.

Eric Dickerson and Jennifer Montana pray at a shrine at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located within the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City.

Cris Cater, Joe Montana, Roger Staubach, Jim Brown, Bruce Smith, Robert Kraft, Eric Dickerson, Andre Tippett, Mean Joe Green and Willie Lanier pose for a photo with the Western Wall and Dome of the Rock behind them.

Joe Monatana, Cris Cater, Andre Tippett, Robert Kraft, Eric Dickerson, Bruce Smith, Jim Brown, Mean Joe Green and Roger Staubach at the Western Wall.

Cris Cater, Roger Staubach, Robert Kraft, Jim Brown and Joe Montana approach the Western Wall.

Roger Staubach, Robert Kraft, Jim Brown, Cris Carter and others pray at the Western Wall.

Roger Staubach and Robert Kraft pray at the Western Wall.

Roger Staubach, Joe Montana, Robert Kraft, Jim Brown and Cris Cater at the Western Wall.

Roger Staubach, Joe Montana, Robert Kraft, Jim Brown and Cris Cater at the Western Wall.

A birthday cake is brought to Bruce Smith during lunch in Jerusalem.

Jerome Bettis touches the star marking the site where, according to tradition, Jesus was born in the Chuch of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Willie Lanier touches the star marking the site where, according to tradition, Jesus was born in the Chuch of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Bruce Smith touches the star marking the site where, according to tradition, Jesus was born in the Chuch of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Pro Football Hall of Fame President David Baker, Robert Kraft, John Stallworth, Jerome Bettis, Joe Montana and the other members of the Hall of Fame (not pictured) pray together before a meet and greet at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Roger Staubach and Eric Dickerson greet the crowd at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Mean Joe Green shakes hands with a young fan at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Robert Kraft, Lem Barney and Jerome Bettis stand for the National Anthem at the Kraft Family Stadium.

The Hall of Famers at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Robert Kraft is presnted with a gift by American Football of Israel (AFI) President Steve Leibowitz at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Jim Brown is feted by a crow of more than 1,000 fans and his fellow Hall of Famers at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Mean Joe Green is honored at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Aeneas Williams hands a fotball he autogrpahed to a young fan.

Aeneas Williams shakes hands with a young fan.

Natanel, who had his Make-A-Wish granted, poses with Aeneas Williams, who lent the young boy his Hall of Fame ring.

Natanel receives a hug from Andre Reed.

Natanel meets with Joe Montana.

Eric Dickerson puts his Gold Hall of Fame jacket on Natanel.

Robert Kraft slides his Super Bowl ring onto Natanel's finger as Lem Barney looks on.

Robert Kaft poses with a photo of Make-A-Wish receipient, Natanel, who had a game ball signed by the Hall of Famers.

Andre Reed and a young fan meet each other during a jersey swap.

A young girl and Jim Brown trade jerseys during a jersey swap.

Robert Kraft autographs a Tom Brady jersey.

Jerome Bettis signs a photo for a fan.

Cowboys great Roger Staubach signs a football for some young Giants fans.

Aeneas Williams shows off his new uniform as part of the jersey swap.

The Patriots were well represented in the Holy Land.

Robert Kraft autographs a photo for fans.

Andre Tippett signs a photo for a fan.

A member of the Israli military takes a selfie with Jerome Bettis.

A young fan has a photo of himself with Robert Kraft autographed by the Patriots owner.

Robert Kraft greets some young Patriots fans at the Kraft Family Stadium.

Back row (left to right): John Stallworth, Ron Yary, Bruce Smith, Lem Barney, Jim Brown, Robert Kraft, Mean Joe Green, Eric Dickerson, Jerome Bettis, Mike Singletary, Andre Tippett. Front row (left to right): Roger Staubach, Willie Lanier, Marshall Faulk, Aeneas Williams, Andre Reed, Joe Montana, Cris Carter, Dave Casper and David Baker.

Tracy and Aeneas Williams at Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center.

The Hall of Fames visit Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center. Here, they are pictured at the Hall of Names, the place where the names of the Holocaust victims are permanently preserved.

the Hall of Names, the place where the names of the Holocaust victims are permanently preserved.

St Andrew's Church in Jerusalem.

The Hall of Famers and their guests enjoy dinner at the St Andrew's Church.

Robert Kraft introduces Jim Brown and Nik Barkat, the Mayor of Israel, who spoke to the Hall of Fameers during dinner at St Andrew's Church.

A group of young singers perform during the grand opening of the Kraft Family Sports Campus, a state-of-the-art multi-sport venue in the northwest Jerusalem neighborhood Emek Ha'Arazim.

Mayor of Isreal Nik Barkat, Robert Kraft, Jonathan Kraft, Dan Kraft and Josh Kraft look on during opening ceremonies of the Kraft Famly Sports Campus grand opening.

Robert Kraft, who spoke in both English and Hebrew, addreses the crowd at the grand opening of the Kraft Family Sports Campus.

Israel Mayor Nir Barkat, Jonathan Kraft and the entire audience applaud Robert Kraft following his speech.

Israel Mayor Nir Barkat, Robert Kraft, Jonathan Kraft, Josh Kraft and Dan Kraft.

Robert Kraft commemorates the Kraft Family Sports Campus with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Robert Kraft commemorates the Kraft Family Sports Campus with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Robert Kraft commemorates the Kraft Family Sports Campus with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Roger Staubach christens the field with the first pass thrown at the Kraft Family Sports Campus.

Joe Montana and Robret Kraft at the Kraft Family Sports Campus.

Robert Kraft presents a helmet signed by the Hall of Famers to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a VIP briefing.

Robert Kraft presents a helmet signed by the Hall of Famers to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a VIP briefing.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu salutes the audience.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tosses a pass into the crowd of Hall of Famers.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu catches a pass from one of the NFL Hall of Famers.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Robert Kraft.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Hall of Famers and their guests during a VIP briefing.

Ron Yary holds up two copies of Benjamin Netanyahu's 1995 book "Fighting Terrorism."

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Robert Kraft and American-Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signs a copy of his book "Fighting Terrorism" to Ron Yary.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ron Yary shake hands.

Josh Kraft, Jonathan Kraft, Dan Kraft, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Robert Kraft, Ron Yary and Aeneas Williams.

Roger Staubach meets Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Carmen Smith, Bruce Smith and Marshall Faulk look on.

Jonathan Kraft, Joe Montana, Robert Kraft, Josh Kraft and Jennifer Montana.

Andree Reed, Theresea Villano, Roger Staubach, Marianne Staubach, David Baker, Colleen Baker, Monique Brown, Jim Brown, Cris Cater and Susanna Baumann.

The sun sets over the Mediterranean Sea.