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Replay: Best of the Week on Radio Thu Feb 27 - 12:00 PM | Tue Mar 04 - 11:55 AM

Patriots Quotes 1/25: Julian Edelman, Chandler Jones and more

Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman and defenseive back Chandler Jones address the media during their press conference at Gillette stadium on Sunday, January 25, 2015.


Q:** How do you feel about where you are in the game plan?

JE: I feel good. Practice has had a high tempo; guys are focused. We still have a long way to go. We still have a few days out in Arizona to prepare so we're going to try to take advantage of that. It's been pretty good.

Q: You haven't played against the Seahawks, but how do the their defensive backs compare to yours?

JE: They're a little different because they're all big. They're all big, strong, ferocious players. They play in their scheme. They're well coached. They play hard. We certainly have some guys that are big, but this a completely different group and like you said, I've never played against them. [We've] got to take these next few days [to] prepare [and] get ready for them and try to bring out the A game.


Q:** What did your last Super Bowl experience teach you about the crazy week leading up to the game?

JE: You know, just all the scheduling of everything, definitely being at one has helped. It's always a little different every year I guess. I'm a little more familiar with what you've got going on when you're there [and] being able to ignore a bunch of distractions and all that kind of stuff. It really is a business trip for us. [I'm] looking forward to that.

Q: Were you aware of the science projects Coach Belichick was working on the last few days? How do you feel about him putting an end to it?

JE: I wasn't. Coach [has] always got his own thing going and I've moved on to Seattle last Sunday so that's how I feel about that whole thing.

Q: Could you ever imagine hearing about him standing up and quoting "My Cousin Vinny" and talking science instead of football?

JE: No, I guess I couldn't have imagined that. He's a pretty smart guy though.

Q: Knowing what the week entails, are you anxious to get out to Arizona?

JE: Definitely. You're anxious to get out there and kind of feel your surroundings, see what you're going to be working with that week as far as facility, the meeting rooms. [You] don't have to worry about anything else. You should have all your off-the-field stuff taken care of. You're definitely anxious to get out there and start the preparing process out there. It'll be nice to be in some 70-degree weather. That's always nice. [We'll] go out there and try to win the last game.

Q: You're playing a larger role on this team than the last time you went to the Super Bowl. Does that change the level of personal excitement you have going into this Super Bowl?

JE: Anytime you go to a Super Bowl it's pretty exciting so I don't know. I was really excited last time, I'm excited this time. Probably a little more focused this time as far as knowing what you have to do out there, knowing what's going on – experiencing all that kind of stuff. That's how I feel about that question I guess.

Q: You're Throwback Thursday video Growing Pains –

JE: Growing Pats.

Q: Growing Pats, based off of "Growing Pains," can you explain how you came up with that video? Do you work on videos like that often?

JE: I've got an unbelievable team that I work with – with Super Digital [and] Assaf Swissa. He'll bounce ideas off of me and I'll bounce ideas off of him. That's usually how those things get created, just through old stuff that you grew up watching or you grew up doing. We try to incorporate that to kind of interact with the people that follow you. It was cool, but now we're on to Seattle.

Q: At Coach Bill Belichick's press conference yesterday he was passionate and even emotional when he was talking about what you guys accomplished this season. How did that make you guys feel?

JE: It's always nice to hear your coach talk with that amount of passion and pride about our unit. We still have other things to accomplish. We could talk about how Coach felt and all of that stuff after this week because it doesn't really mean anything unless you go out and you finish it.

Q: This is your second Super Bowl appearance, but is this something when you were growing up as a kid you dreamt about?

JE: Definitely – [for] any kid who played Pop Warner or high school football, this is the ultimate stage. This is when, like you said, when you're 12 years old, you used to dream about getting this opportunity to go out and play against a really good opponent who's the defending Super Bowl champs. It doesn't get any better than that.



Q: How has this week been for you guys in terms of preparation? Have you noticed any of the other things going on or once you're on the field is it back to the status quo?

CJ: Just the game plan. [That's] the biggest focus; paying attention to detail, buying into what the coaches are saying and just getting things done. That's about it.

Q: If you turn on the TV you can't help but notice the other stories. When you see that do you just keep flipping through the channels?

CJ: Well I watch a lot of cartoons. Yeah and I watch a lot of TV shows. I'm not really a big fan of the news and I try to stay off of the ESPN and NFL networks, especially in a situation like this. Probably have the opportunity to play in one of the biggest games of my career, so the biggest thing is just focusing, sometimes just turning the TV off and focusing on the task at hand.


Q:** Do you have an idea of what to expect next week?

CJ: Well, this is my third year in the NFL and I feel like I've had a pretty decent amount of media experience. I feel like I'm pretty well prepared for the media day on Tuesday.

Q: What level of excitement do you have for this week or is it all focus?

CJ: Overly excitement. My biggest thing is to not peak too soon. In playing in a game like this, I feel your biggest focus is on being calm and trying to stay calm leading up to the game and being able to peak right before the game or peaking in the game. So, [I'm] just trying to stay level throughout the whole week and just try to focus on technique and hand placement and things of that nature in my position – practicing with imagination and seeing yourself make big plays. That's basically what I've been doing this whole week.

Q: Have you had to change your preparation for a quarterback like Russell Wilson?

CJ: It doesn't start with the quarterback, but I feel like it's the running back and the quarterback. They have a very good tandem in their backfield. Starting off with Marshawn Lynch, he's a guy that if you let him he could run over your whole defense; that's if you let him. Then you have another guy like Russell Wilson, if you let him he could juke out your whole defense and make big plays. I feel like as a defense as whole, I feel like you've got to contain those two guys.

Q: The Seahawks offense looks like a group that never really gives up on the run no matter what the score is. Is that something that you agree with?

CJ: They run the ball very well; they run the ball very well. As watching them, like I said, they have a good job of giving the quarterback the ball or giving the quarterback the ball. Like I said, we have to do a good job of executing no matter what they do – if they run the ball, if they pass the ball. We just have to be ready for whatever.

Q: When you have a guy like Marshawn Lynch and Russell Wilson, how does that affect your ability as a speed rusher coming from the end?

CJ: I feel like just reading keys – being a defensive end, you never want to play timid. You never want to sit out and try to read; you never want to sit out and try to slow-play anything. You have to be playing 110 percent. As being a defensive end and being more of an aggressive defensive end in this league, I feel like just reading your pressure keys – if you get a certain set or if you see something that film study helped you out with, post-snap or pre-snap, it should help you.


Check out photos from practice and media access as Patriots prepare to take on the seahawks during the Super Bowl bye week.

Q:** Were you surprised to see coach [Bill] Belichick come up here and talk about a science experiment for over 20 minutes?

CJ: I didn't see the presentation about the science experiment. Actually, I just had an interview before and they asked me about it, and I didn't see it.

Q: Were you surprised he would go through that process and talk about that?

CJ: Well, coach Belichick is a very brilliant coach and I understand that he is a very smart man. I feel like if he has an explanation for something then it helps. We'll leave it at that.

Q: He had some very complimentary things to say about the team. He got very passionate and even a little emotional. How did you guys feel about that from him?

CJ: Like I said, I didn't see the interview. I feel [like] Coach Belichick thinks very highly of us. I feel like that's the reason why he drafted, or traded, for certain guys that are on this team. I obviously feel that he would feel very good about us, or very high of us, of even having us on this team.

Q: Do you think this should lead to rule changes in the NFL as far as how the footballs are handled?

CJ: I don't really know. I rarely touch the ball as it is. I play defensive end, hopefully I can get a strip sack or something, but I don't really touch the ball. So I don't know too much about it.

Q: Are you excited for the change of weather?

CJ: Yeah, I don't think it really matters. I enjoy playing in the cold actually; even playing in the sun is better or playing in a dome. The climate really doesn't matter, so hopefully we'll get a nice day. It's in the dome though right? So hopefully it doesn't matter.

Q: Russell Wilson is a little shorter than most quarterbacks. Does he have any weaknesses because of his height?

CJ: Well, even watching Russell on film, like I said, he's a very good quarterback. This is his third year and this is my third year. We actually came in the same year. A lot of people say he's a young quarterback, but this guy has a Super Bowl already. Like I said, he can extend plays with his feet and he's has a very strong arm. I really don't feel like his height has anything to do with it. I feel like he's an all-around quarterback. Honestly, that's my personal opinion. Like I said, as a defensive end we'll have to try to contain him and hopefully we can do that.

Q: It was pretty clear last Monday that the knowledge you guys had on the Seahawks was minimal at best. How has the crash-course gone on learning about your opponent this week?

CJ: That all goes all into the deflection of the coaches honestly – coach Belichick, coach [defensive coordinator] Matt Patricia, and the d-line coaches, coach [defensive assistant] Brendan Daly and coach [linebackers] Pat Graham. They do a good job of feeding us information and prepping us to get us ready to execute and hopefully about time game time comes there's no thinking and everyone can just go out there and play their best games. I feel like our coaches do a good job of helping us and prepping us to prepare for a game like this.

Q: What kind of sense do you get behind the scenes that this game is not similar to most games?

CJ: Behind the scenes things – a lot of things that the fans don't see is the amount of you guys [that are] around compared to during the season. There's a lot more media around. I feel like a lot more family members tend to call you, or you might get a lot of numbers contacting your phone that you're not used to. That's the only thing really. At the end of the day, there's a very severe part of this game, it's the Super Bowl, but at the end of the day you have to understand that it's a football game. If you get too caught up into the whole Super Bowl-hype, that's when you're worried about the wrong things. The biggest thing is just staying focused and staying level-headed through it all.

Q: Do you see any similarities between this Patriots defense and the Seahawks defense?

CJ: I would say that both defenses have a lot of good players and a lot of great playmakers. Hopefully, our side of the ball will have more playmakers on Sunday.



(On how much the team emphasizes ball security in practice)

"We just know we can't win without the football in our hands. We put a big emphasis on protecting the football when we get it and that's how you win games. You've got to protect it when you get it and if you don't, obviously a lot of guys know what will happen if you fumble it."

(On finally leaving for Arizona)

"It's going to be good. We've done everything that we can do to prepare while we're here. We've got a few things to work out and when we get there we'll be good."

(On what the team expects to get done in terms of preparation in Arizona) "We've got a lot done, but we've still got a lot more to get done. We're going to continue to do everything that we can do to prepare for this game. Take everything day-by-day and hopefully we can get everything done that we need to get done."

(On what he is expecting from the Seahawks defense on Sunday)

"I'm expecting them to come out and play as hard as they can to repeat as champs. They're the reigning champs and they're going to come out and play like it. We've got to come out here and match their intensity and play just as well as they do."



(On heading to Arizona for Super Bowl week)

"It's going to be nice. I'm looking forward to it, actually, looking forward to going to the west coast. It's going to be fun. This game could literally be anywhere and it would still be the same amount of excitement and the same amount of fun. Everybody is just getting ready for the game."

(On the importance of standing up to Seattle's defensive front)

"Absolutely, the front – we've talked numerously about the front all week. We know they're good, we know they're tenacious, they come after us hard, so we're going to have to be prepared. We are going to have to work hard all week. The o-line has done a great job all week working hard and we'll have to continue this until the game."

(On how the practices here have gone)

"They've been good. We've got some things done; I think our guys are on the same page. I think we're focused, I think we're headed in the right direction, but we've still got another week to go. Seven days until the game, so we still have seven days left to prepare."

(On whether he's anxious to get to Arizona and play Seattle)

"Oh, absolutely. I'm anxious, excited – you name it, it's probably going through my body right now. It's all fun and this is what you should be feeling this time of year."

(On the importance of the team being relatively healthy this time of year)

"It's huge. It's the complete opposite of last year. Last year, we had a lot of guys injured throughout the season, myself included, and it was kind of hard to get everybody together. This year we're kind of all here and I think it's awesome because we can all play together. We can learn and we can grow with each other as far as team-wise."



(On how helpful it's been to have practiced in Foxborough the last four days)

"It's been great; just less stress on the body to be able to stay here, get some work done and then take a flight and continue working. That's pretty much what we've been doing all season, so it hasn't been much of a change."

(On if the team's PR staff has prepped the players for Super Bowl media day)

"We're just concentrating on football. Any questions that come are just questions."

(On how excited he is to be going to the Super Bowl)

"Very excited, even from a little kid, everybody dreams of making it to the Super Bowl. Here we are, we've just got to go out there and play it."

(On Seattle's defensive front)

"Their front is an excellent front, that's why the secondary does such a great job. Their front takes care of business. They're all penetrators and they're all gap guys and they follow the rules and they do what they have to do to win."

(On what the team expects to accomplish in Arizona)

"Work is work. We've been doing it all year [with] minimal distractions, like I said. Just been going to work like we've been doing and everybody's been doing a good job of it."



(On the team coming together)

"I think we've always been a really, really tight-knit team. Everything that happens throughout the course of this season just kind of brings us together stronger. I'm just really glad to be able to go and play with this group of guys. We have great teammates and a bunch of great guys in this locker room."

(On Seattle's defense)

"They are definitely a great defense. They're good across the board – up front and in the secondary. They pose a lot of hard matchups and we're going to definitely have our work cut out for us come Super Bowl Sunday."

(On Bill Belichick calling them one of the toughest teams he's ever coached)

"It's awesome. They guy has seen a lot of football, a lot of football teams gone by in the 40-some years he's coached in the NFL and to hear those kind of words, it means a lot."

(On if he has any remorse that he'll be in Phoenix while this area gets hit with a snow storm)

"I just hope everyone stays safe. I'm going to definitely enjoy that weather out in Arizona."

(On the preparations this week)

"Preparation is really key when it comes to any football game and one of this magnitude, it just kind of magnifies how important preparation is. These extra couple days that we've had this past week have been greatly valuable for all our preparations. It just gives us another chance to go out and practice our plays and watch tape on Seattle. It's very, very valuable."

(On practicing in Foxborough this week)

"Obviously, it's always nice to have the comforts of home, but we'll go out in Arizona and we'll do the same thing."

(On if the team has practiced well this week)

"Yeah, I think so. I think our team has really gone to work and put our hard hats on and done what we had to do."

(On if the team's PR staff has prepped the team for Super Bowl media day)

"They're definitely trying to give us a heads up on how it's going to be when we get out to Arizona because a lot of us, including myself, haven't really experienced the Super Bowl media-wise. We're just preparing for the best game of the season."

(On if he's anxious to get out to Arizona)

"Absolutely. It's going to be a great experience being out in Arizona and playing in the Super Bowl, so it's going to be awesome. I'm definitely anxious to get out there."

(On if he dreamed about playing in the Super Bowl as a kid)

"Absolutely. Any kid that ever plays football, ever straps on pads, they always kind of dream about playing in the Super Bowl because it's the biggest and the brightest game that football has. It's been a dream of mine since I was seven when I first started playing football."

(On Bill Belichick's passionate statements about the team)

"Any time I see that kind of fire out of anybody, whether it's our quarterback or anybody, it always kind of inspires me. Football is an emotional game and I think whenever you wear your heart on your sleeve and show that emotion, it's always great."



(On going to the Super Bowl)

"It's super exciting, especially for my rookie year, to go to the Super Bowl and get a chance to win a championship. I couldn't ask for anything more."

(On the evolution of the offensive line this season)

"I think it was just improvement. We've gotten better every game. No matter who was in there, we just stepped up as a whole group and now we're at where we want to be at the end of the year."

(On his performance this season)

"Obviously, there's a lot to improve on. I was just a rookie and this is my first year, so it's kind of been a big learning curve, learning what the NFL is about, learning the new system and all of that stuff."

(On whether there was anyone on the offensive line that he has leaned on this season)

"I think just all of the older guys, especially [with] me going from position to position. All the other guys have kind of helped me out and gave me the advice and still do."

(On how good the Seahawks defensive front is)

"I mean, very good. The whole defense is very good. I think that's what makes them a great team is that they have a very good defense."

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