Notice to all registered users:
Within the next few days, will be auditing its database of registered users. Any account in the Fan Zone with an email address that has been returned as "undeliverable" as of the last emailing (9/3/02), will be deleted.
If you find that your password or username no longer allows you access to the Fan Zone, the reason may be your account no longer exists for the above reason. If that is the case, simply re-register in the Fan Zone and you will be ready to go once again. Please note, however, that we have now implemented an email verification process. Upon registering you will be emailed a password. If you do not register with a proper email address, you will not receive a password.
Once you receive your password via email, you may then change it to your password of desire by clicking on the "Modify Profile" button in the Fan Zone or simply use the password issued to you.
Thank you for your cooperation as we conduct this audit. management