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Patriots Postgame Quotes

New England Patriots players comment on their playoff loss to the Baltimore Ravens at Gillette Stadium on Sunday, January 10, 2010.

Stephen Neal, Right Guard

(On how long it will take him to get over the loss)

"I'm not sure. We'll find out. There are a lot of guys getting up there and this could be our last game. You never know. I don't know what to do. "

(On if he thought about losing while on the field)

"Just like in life, you're not guaranteed tomorrow. You just have to do what you do. Make decisions and live with it for the rest of your life."

(On if he'll play next year)

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure how my body is going to feel. I'm not sure if I'll keep playing, keep getting in them car accidents each week. I don't know. We'll have to find out, talk to the family, see what options are available."

(On whether he expects the team to have a different look next year)

"I'm not sure. I can't say. All I know is that I just wish it wouldn't have ended like this today. There are a lot of guys that it might be our last time to play together or even play. I just wish I could have done better for myself and for the team."

Fred Taylor, Running Back

(On Tom struggling under pressure today)

"It's a team effort. We would never try to place all that on Tom, never. We just didn't play well today as a group, as an entire unit."

(On the loss and moving forward)

"You have to give them all the credit. They came out and played an outstanding game. But, I guess we picked the wrong day because there is no tomorrow as far as games are concerned. We just have to come in tomorrow, say our goodbyes until the offseason program cranks back up and see what we can do going forward."

(On what's missing from the team)

"I really don't know. I really can't answer that because I don't know."

Leigh Bodden, Cornerback

(On his feelings about the loss)

"This is not how I envisioned it. This is a team with a lot of talent, good coaching and it kind of hurts to go home this early when I know we're better than what we showed today."

(On whether the team was in disbelief when the points piled up in the first quarter)

"Not really because it was early. There was a lot of football to be played. I think everybody was upbeat about that. Everybody didn't really look at the scoreboard. We were just trying to take it one play at a time."

(On if he can put his finger on what went wrong)

"Early they broke that big run for a touchdown which was huge. Then, the turnovers and us not be able to stop them and hold them to field goals which the defense should do. With all that said, I think we still had chances. We just didn't execute as well as the Ravens did. They played a great game today."

(On whether the Ravens were more physical than the Patriots)

"I wouldn't say more physical. I didn't see it that way. You guys from the outside looking in, maybe you guys thought that, but I thought we played physical. I thought we played hard."

James Sanders, Safety

(On Ray Rice's opening drive touchdown run)

"It was very disappointing to start the game off that way with that kind of run and to give them that much momentum ... can't play that way in the playoffs and expect to go anywhere. I don't know exactly what happened, but it couldn't have been right because he came through untouched and went the distance. He's a good running back, but to give him a lane like that, you can't say anything about it."

(On the effectiveness of the Ravens' running game)

"They were successful, but it was mainly just the one big play. Once they got the lead and jumped out on us early, they just continued to run with it. They're a running team and we got into a situation where we were playing the game that they like to play - run the ball and play good defense. As a team, we just didn't execute and we gave them all the momentum in the world."

(On the players' mindset on the sidelines)

"All we did was we kept fighting. They scored maybe 21 points in five minutes. Once you get in a situation like that, it's tough to recover and all we could do was keep fighting. It seemed like the harder we fought, the bigger hole we dug ourselves. It was a very frustrating game for us today. Of course we were disappointed, but we weren't lacking confidence. We were just telling ourselves keep fighting one play at a time, and until the end we thought we still had a chance to get back in the game. It just didn't happen like that."

(On the Patriots' turnovers)

"We didn't execute as a team and they capitalized on our mistakes. This time of year, you can't make those mistakes and think you're going to go on and play next week. Unfortunately for us, we didn't play well and our season's over."

Sammy Morris, Running Back

(On the loss to the Ravens)

"They started fast and we didn't. We had to start playing catch-up really fast and it kind of throws things off. Across the board, it's simple, a lack of execution. It's the NFL, it's the playoffs, you never take anybody lightly. We know they've got a great team, or they wouldn't be in the playoffs. "

Kevin Faulk, Running Back

(On if the Ravens ran different plays than the Patriots were expecting)

"Not from my eyes but you never know, I'm not the [offensive] line, I'm not the receivers. So not from my eyes but at the same time, it's a team sport. As an offensive team, we have to play better no matter what, whether they were doing something different or if they were doing the same thing."

(On if there was any indication the Ravens would start the game so well)

"Indication? I think if we had an indication, we would be well prepared for it or something. But no, they came out and played better than us. They started the game better than us. They jumped on it and we dug ourselves a hole and we tried to come out of it and we couldn't."

(On the loss)

"To be honest with you, it's just the fact of coming out here and doing what you have to do as a team. Like I said earlier, we didn't do that as a team offensively, defensively, special-teams wise, at all. It's just the fact of knowing we didn't play well. But we go home now, try coming back next year in the offseason and try to do it again. That's the good thing about it."

(On Tom Brady playing through injuries)

"I think we had this discussion about two weeks ago. In his eyes, I don't think it's a problem. I don't think it's anything that he wants to talk about. He's a football player. He's the quarterback and we have injuries. A lot of people play with injuries and he's going to tell you the same thing."

Tully Banta-Cain, Linebacker

(On the ending to the Patriots' season)

"Every year is different. Every year you have your ups and downs and we made it to the postseason. We had our chance this year to do something special and we weren't able to do it. Other than the 18-0 year [in 2007], every other year has been a battle. Even the Super Bowls I was a part of, it wasn't like we were just winning by large margins every game. Every game came down to the end, so every year is different and this year, it is what it is."

(On if there was an indication the Ravens would get off to a hot start)

"I wasn't expecting us to be down 24-0 in the first quarter or whatever it was. It's something that we're going to definitely be chewing on for a while, trying to figure out what happened. Give the credit to them. They wanted it more than we did today."

Vince Wilfork, Nose Tackle

(On the loss)

"We didn't come to play. Point blank. Never had a chance from the first play to the last play. They came in and they wanted it more than us. What can you do about it? Move on. There's no film-watching now, everything's over. Take it in stride. They played a hell of a ballgame. Clearly they showed that what they wanted to do was run the ball and they did it and did it very well. But all credit to them. No excuses, not on this end. We just didn't come to play."

(On why the Patriots played with a lack of effort)

"Who knows? Who knows? It wasn't there today. Like I said, we got beat up pretty bad today. For them to come in and do what they did, they could basically have been playing out there with a JV football team and they probably would have given a better effort than we did. At times, we played liked we knew what we were doing, but we were so inconsistent. You can never win this game like that. It's just a tough loss, it's a tough loss. It wasn't like they came out and did anything different. They did exactly what we thought they were going to do. Point blank."

Adalius Thomas, Linebacker

(On if the Ray Rice's long touchdown run deflated the defense)

"They made the plays and you can't take that away from them. One play doesn't beat you, it was 7-0. That's not the turning point of the game. When you are down 24 points in the first quarter, the game plan you had is out because you are in the hole and they have a good defense."

(On at what point did he think the game was out of reach)

"We still had a chance. You see comebacks all the time and it gave us a chance to have a great comeback but at the same time we could never make plays. We never made any plays of defense. We had a couple of turnovers which swung the momentum but we would then get a turnover and the momentum always swung back the other way. When we made a play they would make a play to counter it."

(On losing their first playoff game at home)

"A loss is a loss. The fans would boo us and then cheer and then boo us again so it was really up and down. We would make good plays and then make bad plays. We just played a bad game today."

Julian Edelman, Wide Receiver

(On if the Ravens' defense is one of the most physical the Patriots have seen)

"Every other defense is physical in the NFL. So I didn't really notice that. They did a great job. You got to tip your hats to them. We've got a lot of work to do. "

(On if the offense felt like they were still in the game after his touchdown catches)

"Yeah, we were fighting until the end. We're not going to quit."

(On if Tom Brady gave the offense any pep talks during the game)

"Tom Brady told us not to quit. That's what we tried not to do and we didn't do that."

(On what it was like having Wes Welker on the field before the game)

"I wish he was in a uniform, that's for sure. It was good to have him out there and help support us. Our thoughts and prayers go with him on a fast recovery."

Ty Warren, Defensive End

(On seeing 24-0 on the scoreboard in the first quarter)

"I think the last time I've seen anything close to that was the regular season in Buffalo in '03. I don't even think it was 21 points in the first quarter. But it was a good job by [Baltimore]. They dominated the game in every aspect. Offensively, they did what they wanted to do. Defensively, it seemed like they did what they wanted to do. Special teams, they were returning the balls like there was no tomorrow. Those guys definitely played with a sense of urgency. You got to take your hats off to them."

(On if there was frustration on the Patriots' sideline)

"No. How can you be frustrated with anyone but yourself? Their job was to go out there and score points. Our job was to go out there and stop them and we didn't do that."

(On if the Ravens were doing anything different offensively)

"They had no reason to do anything different from what they started the game doing. When you jump out the way they did, you pretty much stick with what you're doing. The cushion on the scoreboard allows you to do that. On the flip side, that's what we've done around here in years prior to now. But they definitely did a good job of doing it. And why would they change?"

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